Keeping Your Little Village Smiling...

Emergency Care

Whether your little one takes a tumble or your teen is injured during a sports event, don't hesitate to call us!  Dental injuries are very common and can be overwhelming in the moment.  Very few dental injuries are true emergencies and many can be managed at home.   It is our priority to see your child as soon possible with a same day appointment, if necessary.


Please call or text Dr. Laura on her cell phone if your child experiences a dental emergency after hours at



If your child loses consciousness or is bleeding uncontrollably, please go to the nearest emergency room.


Below are some common oral injuries and tips on how to manage them:


Tongue or Lip Bite

If your child has bitten his lip or tongue severely enough to cause bleeding, clean the bite gently with water and use a cold compress (a cold, wet towel or washcloth pressed firmly against the area) to reduce or avoid swelling. Give us a call to help determine how serious the bite is.


Broken or Chipped Adult Tooth

If possible, find any large pieces of their tooth and put them in a glass of milk (not water) to bring with you. It's important to make sure they don’t dry out. Have your child swish and spit with lukewarm water and cover any sharp edges with dental wax from the dental section at the pharmacy until their appointment.


Knocked out Permanent Tooth:

In this situation, every minute counts. We will have the best chance of saving the tooth if we can see you within an hour.  Locate the tooth and be sure to only touch the tooth by the crown (the part you see in the mouth).  If visibly dirty, gently rinse it off, holding it by the crown only, not the root. Then try to put it back in its socket facing the right way (this is only recommended for children who aren’t at risk of swallowing it, generally those over age 6).  If you are not comfortable re-implanting the tooth, place it in a glass of milk - it is important that the tooth stays moist.


Chipped or Knocked Out Baby Tooth:

If possible find the broken fragment or the entire tooth if it was knocked out.  Call us to schedule an appointment so we can determine a need for a dental x-ray and/or the need to smooth off any sharp edges of the fractured tooth.



Give your child over-the-counter pain medication (as directed) until their visit with us. Watch for any swelling of the gum tissue around the aching tooth.  Avoid foods that require increased chewing effort.  Call us to schedule your child for an appointment.





       At Village Pediatric Dentistry, we are here to support you and your child. From infancy through college, trust us to care for your child's overall oral health. Dr. Laura and her team use an individualized, child friendly approach with every patient. We welcome and treat all patients as our own. Welcome to our Village.

It Takes a Village.

Trust us to exceed your expectations.


Follow us to see all the fun we have at Village Pediatric Dentistry...


Read what our patients and their parents say about us...

Contact us for your child’s next visit...

Our new pediatric dental office is designed especially for your child’s comfort and safety.

We are always available to talk with you and address your concerns. Please feel free to contact us during work hours through our office phone number or e-mail address. After hours, you can contact us with emergencies through our answering service.


Office phone number: 513-844-0046

After hours phone number: 513-207-0159


Email Address:



8179-H Princeton Glendale Rd

West Chester, OH 45069



Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday   8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Fridays 9:00 am- 12:00 pm


Please follow this link to request an appointment.

A team member from our office will reach out with appointment availability.


Laura Doss, DDS

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Whether your little one takes a tumble or your teen is injured during a sports event, don't hesitate to call us!  Dental injuries are very common and can be overwhelming in the moment.  Very few dental injuries are true emergencies and many can be managed at home.   It is our priority to see your child as soon possible with a same day appointment, if necessary.


Please call or text Dr. Laura on her cell phone if your child experiences a dental emergency after hours at



If your child loses consciousness or is bleeding uncontrollably, please go to the nearest emergency room.


Below are some common oral injuries and tips on how to manage them:


Tongue or Lip Bite

If your child has bitten his lip or tongue severely enough to cause bleeding, clean the bite gently with water and use a cold compress (a cold, wet towel or washcloth pressed firmly against the area) to reduce or avoid swelling. Give us a call to help determine how serious the bite is.


Broken or Chipped Adult Tooth

If possible, find any large pieces of their tooth and put them in a glass of milk (not water) to bring with you. It's important to make sure they don’t dry out. Have your child swish and spit with lukewarm water and cover any sharp edges with dental wax from the dental section at the pharmacy until their appointment.


Knocked out Permanent Tooth:

In this situation, every minute counts. We will have the best chance of saving the tooth if we can see you within an hour.  Locate the tooth and be sure to only touch the tooth by the crown (the part you see in the mouth).  If visibly dirty, gently rinse it off, holding it by the crown only, not the root. Then try to put it back in its socket facing the right way (this is only recommended for children who aren’t at risk of swallowing it, generally those over age 6).  If you are not comfortable re-implanting the tooth, place it in a glass of milk - it is important that the tooth stays moist.


Chipped or Knocked Out Baby Tooth:

If possible find the broken fragment or the entire tooth if it was knocked out.  Call us to schedule an appointment so we can determine a need for a dental x-ray and/or the need to smooth off any sharp edges of the fractured tooth.



Give your child over-the-counter pain medication (as directed) until their visit with us. Watch for any swelling of the gum tissue around the aching tooth.  Avoid foods that require increased chewing effort.  Call us to schedule your child for an appointment.


Read what our patients and their parents say about us...

Contact us for your child’s next visit...

Our new pediatric dental office is designed especially for your child’s comfort and safety.

Keeping Your Little Village Smiling...

Emergency Care

Laura Doss, DDS

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist





       At Village Pediatric Dentistry, we are here to support you and your child. From infancy through college, trust us  to care for your child's overall oral health.

Dr. Laura and her team use an individualized, child friendly approach with every patient. We welcome and treat all patients as our own. Welcome to our Village.

It Takes a Village.

Trust us to exceed your expectations.


Follow us to see all the fun we have at Village Pediatric Dentistry...


Read what our patients and their parents say about us...

Contact us for your child’s next visit...

Our new pediatric dental office is designed especially for your child’s comfort and safety.